Being arrested and charged with driving under the influence is distressing. In New Jersey, the vast majority of DUI arrests and convictions involve Defendants with no criminal record. The penalties are much more severe for repeat offenses. To obtain the most favorable outcome, you need a tough-as-nailed lawyer who will reserve judgment and is able to understand the complexities of your case.
If you’re arrested and charged with DUI, you face a host of repercussions. These include the suspension- or loss of driver’s license, numerous court appearances, and of course possible jail time.
In New Jersey, it’s common practice for municipal and traffic violations to be downgraded via a plea agreement with the prosecutor, subject to approval by a Judge. However, in NJ, DUI and drug related offenses cannot be downgraded via a plea agreement. In fact, it is illegal for a DUI charge to be pled down via an agreement with the prosecutor.
If you’re arrested for DUI, you need experienced legal representation. A trained legal eye can review your case and carefully evaluate your situation. An attorney can gather evidence in your favor, ascertain whether an expert witness would be beneficial, suppress evidence against you, and identify issues of fact that may undermine the state’s case.
We make no guarantees. If state can prove you broke the law, we’ll work to get the minimum available sentence. We can help you understand your rights. We can require the State to prove it’s case against you. And if they fail, we can get it thrown out. Without a lawyer, you’re lost, and you have little hope of getting out of it, even if the State fails to meet it’s burden!
People make mistakes and we’ll never pass judgment. We’ll get you through it. Call us at (856) 227-7888 or email [email protected] to set up a free consultation. We serve ALL South Jersey.
DUI Lawyer in South Jersey HINKLE LAW