Domestic Violence: You Deserve the Help You Need

Domestic Violence


Domestic Violence:  You Deserve the Help You Need

No one expects to be the victim of domestic violence, so when it happens there is shock from both the physical and emotional pain that comes from discovering a person you thought you knew to be abusive. Don’t allow this shock to stun you into helplessness. Love is blind and people often see only the good in others, while the potential bad does not become visible until the first signs of violent behavior arise.

Never put yourself at fault for the actions of another. Blaming yourself will only open the door for more of the same abuse and make the offender feel justified in hurting you. In fact, that is the most common excuse of defense an abuser will use to manipulate your feelings and alleviate their own guilty conscience. Understand that they are likely to know you well enough to know exactly how to make you feel as though you deserve their harmful treatment.

Just as the abuser must be held accountable for their irresponsible and violent behavior you must accept liability of becoming your own savior, for you are the only one who can rescue you from the dangerous situation of being in a destructive relationship. To help you overcome fears and maintain the bravery needed to stay focused on protecting yourself, family, and assets, keep supportive family, friends, and professionals close by.

Taking action now to escape from further precarious circumstances may feel overwhelming, but it enables you to have a safe and happy future for you and your family in the long run. Things to discuss with your attorney include how to file a restraining order, what to do if your abuser violates the restraining order, getting the financial and emotional support you need for your and your children, division of property, child custody and visitation, and creating a plan for your physical safety and that of any children and family.

When what once may have been a healthy relationship becomes violent, you begin living life in fear of the very person you used to rely on for strength and safety. Depend on the Law Offices of Lynda Hinkle to provide you with the legal support you need. We understand what domestic violence is all about, and we will not downplay what you have been through, blame you for it, or disbelieve you if you can’t show physical bruises or if at some point a police officer or other authority didn’t believe it.

Acquire professional legal help by calling 856-227-7888 or emailing [email protected] to schedule a free consultation that empowers you in planning for your protection. We have locations in Camden, Burlington, and Gloucester counties, and are happy to discuss your legal options.

Related Articles:

Domestic Violence: I’m Not Ready to Leave Yet

Civil Restraints vs Final Restraining Orders in New Jersey

The Domestic Violence Survivor’s Lawyers Bill of Rights


The above is not specific legal advice nor does it create a lawyer-client relationship. Do not rely upon it without consulting an attorney to see how the information presented fits your unique circumstances.


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