The Parenting Coordination program is a newer, now binding program by which a Court can appoint a parenting coordinator pursuant to Rule 5:8d, who makes decisions to decide conflicts over non-central parenting disputes. Such conflicts can include but are not limited to: transportation issues, childcare arrangements, minor or temporary alterations of parenting time schedules (such as holiday disputes), summer vacation dates, travel and passport issues, referral to other professionals, information disputes, child disciplinary disputes, non-permanent changes in a child’s appearance (hair cuts etc.) and other issues.

The decision of the Parenting Coordinator can be an immediate and binding (unless one party petitions the Court) resolution to conflicts that require speedy resolution.

Lynda Hinkle, Esq. does parenting coordination virtually across the State of New Jersey and is approved on the Parent Coordinator roster maintained by the Court system.

To work with her, parents can choose to agree to have the Court appoint via consent order, or a Court can independently order a PC and the parties can choose to select her for the position. If you have questions and need to consult, both parties must be present for the consultation (virtual) but you can schedule at 856-227-7888.