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Passion Behind Every Case.
Family Law

Pointers for Legal Health in Love

BEFORE MARRIAGE/COHABITATION He or she is everything you always dreamed they would be. So charming. So supportive. *SIGH*. Everything is great. You are talking about moving in together or getting…

Do I Need an Attorney?

  Unfortunately, there are some times in your life when you might ask yourself, “Do I need an attorney?” If you aren’t sure, here are some things to think about……

Choosing the Right Lawyer for You

When you have a legal problem, selecting the right lawyer for you is the number one thing you can do to correct that problem. There are many things to consider…
Family Law

Parental Alienation?

Parental Alienation Syndrome is a big, scary buzzword defined thusly by PAS expert R.A. Gardner: The parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a disorder that arises primarily in the context of…

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